Combines the power of Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) and vacuum technology to deep cleanse your pores and reduce acne. Isolaz also helps prevent future breakouts, as it gets all of the bacteria and oil out of your pores that cause acne.

How does it work?

It utilizes a unique PPX™ vacuum technology and light to unclog the oil glands and destroy acne-causing bacteria in the skin. Isolaz™ treatment combines a gentle vacuum with therapeutic broadband light to help rid your skin of acne causing impurities.

Will it work for me?​

Most patients with active and severe acne will see great results after the first or second session. With proper care like applying sunscreen using, gentle cleansers and moisturizers the skin will heal properly.

More than 75% remission was observed in patients unresponsive to oral, topical, or laser treatment and 88% remission of papular, pustular, comedonal, nodular, and inflammatory acne.​