What is ResurFX™?

ResurFX™ is an advanced laser system for True fractional non-ablative skin resurfacing, that allows us to offer remarkable results for younger, healthier and radiant skin.

How does it works?​

ResurFX™ stimulates the production of new collagen and elastic fibers in the deepest layers of the skin, these proteins are responsible to give resistance and elasticity, key aspects in the healing process and delaying the signs of aging.

When will I see the results?

It usually takes about 3 sessions to have a visible improvement in skin texture. But, after the first treatment, you may notice changes in the size of the pores. Results are achieved after 3 to 5 sessions in a range of 4 to 5 weeks. The results will be maintained for up to 6 months after treatment.

What can I improve with ResurFX™?

Scars, spots, streaks and signs of aging

Am I a candidate for this treatment?

ResurFX is contraindicated for patients with any concurrent cancer or history of skin cancer, activ infection or bacterial diseases. For your safety, your skin should be valued by our medical team before the procedure.

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